• Exemplary behaviour is expected from the parents in the school campus and outside as well. Parents are to come to the school wearing formal dress. Pyjamas, Lungies, Night dress, Shorts etc are not allowed in the school.
  • Please see that your child reaches school 10 minutes before the school assembly.
  • No arrangements will be made to send tiffin, water bottles, books etc to the students during class hours.
  • Parents must not approach the principal for half day or early leave during school hours for your children. If the parent feels that his /her ward is required at home for some purpose, the ward should not be sent to school on that day.
  • Students repeatedly coming late and without proper uniform may be sent home.
  • Entrance Gate/door of the school closes at 7:15 sharp.
  • Parents are requested to obey the advice of the volunteers with regard to the parking of two wheelers in the campus for your own safety and the safety of your children.
  • Students should leave the school premises within 15 minutes after the school is over. The school will not bear responsibility for students not taken home after the school.
  • Timings to meet the principal – On all working days from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Looking forward to your wholehearted cooperation


                                        Anand Bhawan School